Lita Cabellut Spanish, b. 1961

SmithDavidson Gallery is the official gallery for Lita Cabellut with access to the full collection.


Lita Cabellut is a broad-focused artist who lives and works in The Hague. Her completed character as an artist in combination with her torrential force and extraordinary capacity, drives her artistic activities in multiple disciplines. Over the years, Cabellut has developed a unique technique characterized by large-scale canvases that combine traditional fresco techniques and modern media applications. The central theme of the human and the societal messages that Lita Cabellut communicates in her work is primarily expressed through her defining monumental portraits.


Lita Cabellut is recognized as the third most valued Spanish artist and her works have been exhibited in numerous museums around the world, including, amongst many other places: Seoul Arts Center, Korea; Contemporary Art Museum, Sicily, Italy; CSMVS and Mumbai, India. Her work is included in the permanent collections of several museums such as Museo Goya IberCaja, Spain; Museo de Arte Contemporánea, Italy; Museu Europeu d’Art Modern, Vila Casas Foundation, Spain; Théâtre Mogador, France; The Joop & Janine van de Ende Foundation and The Paul van Rensch Foundation, The Netherlands.