Pepe Valenti: El Mar

16 February - 12 April 2024


    Works shown are a selection of currently available works. Please reach out to our team for more information about this serie or for additional works.

    Pepe Valenti, El Mar Installation, 2022
  • About Pepe Valenti's work

    Pushing the boundaries of both design and art, asking when does design become art, and when does art become design. Pepe Valenti employs an intuitive and hands-on approach, where he explores his fascination for materials. The work results from a search to understand materials and processes, and he does so by physically experimenting with them: thinking through making. Valenti's inspiration comes from raw and untouched matters surrounding us, while my work remains very polished and refined, creating an interesting contrast between the source and the outcome.



  • About the Artist

    About the Artist

    Valenti was born in Barcelona, but moved to London at the age of 12. When he turned 18 Valenti came to study in The Netherlands at the Design Academy Eindhoven where he graduated in 2022, with El Mar Installation being his graduation project. Pepe Valenti has been a full-time artist since then, in 2023 he was nominated for the Kazerne Design Award, and he won the Zuiver Scholarship 2023.