New Release I Between Us

Giant Panda by Vincent Lagrange

Within a mere meter's distance, Vincent Lagrange finds himself in a profound moment of connection, gazing eye to eye with a delicate and critically endangered creature: the panda. This encounter serves as a pivotal realization, unveiling the profound depths of our natural world and the intricate ties that bind us to the animals that surround us. It is in these instances that we come to understand the immense significance and interdependence between humanity and the precious animals that grace our planet.

"Giant Panda" is part of the series 'Between Us".

"Between Us" is a photographic series that captures the inherent humanity of animals and highlights their emotional depth and the beauty of Mother Nature. The photos offer a detailed, intimate look into the lives of these animals. Through this series, Vincent invites us to pause and reflect on the beauty and majesty of animals. These photos not only reveal the striking similarities between animals and humans, but also remind us of the intense bonds we share with nature. Just like us, animals experience a range of emotions, form social bonds, and exist in a community.

These images remind us that we are not alone on this planet, but rather closely interconnected with the animals around us. This minimalist environment highlights the beauty, elegance, and grandeur of these creatures, evoking the remarkable similarities between animals and humans, such as the strong maternal bonds between mother and child, the playful and curious nature of childhood, and the wisdom and experience of old age. The series not only showcases the beauty of animals, but also reminds us of the importance of conservation. The grandeur and majesty of the images inspire a sense of wonder and respect for the environment. This series serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of conservation, reminding us of the critical role we play in ensuring that these magnificent creatures are protected for future generations.

20 July 2023