Ladies from Papunya

Exhibition Australian Indigenous Art

Join us in Amsterdam for the festive opening Thursday, June 6

This Summer SmithDavidson Gallery Amsterdam presents the Australian Indigenous exhibition 'Ladies from Papunya’ which celebrates the innovative elements that female artists have introduced to the Australian Indigenous Art movement.
The presentation will include works by - amongst others - Tjunkiya Napaltjarri, Dorothy Napangardi, Ningura Napurrula, Yinarupa Nangala, Naata Nungurrayi and Esther Giles Nampitjinpa.
The exhibition will run until September 9, 2024
Location : SmithDavidson Gallery
Address : Tintorettostraat 3, 1077 RM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dates : June 6 - September 9
30 June 2024