After photographing glacial rivers from airplanes and helicopters in Iceland for my series »WaterShapes«, I looked at the volcanic landscape from the ground
and I hiked into the island‘s countless lava fields. Some were covered with moss, others still showed the structures of the viscous lava as it flew through the land- scape. What impressed me most was the monochrome surfaces that had crumbled into black sand over thousands of years due to erosion. The constantly blowing wind in Iceland sometimes creates a wavy structure on the surface of the sandy areas. Rain and wind conjure up a black-grey mosaic of dry and damp areas. Where the few plants were able to conquer the barren habitat, splashes of color shine from the seemingly endless sandy desert. After sunset I waited on the coast at »Black Beach« for the right wave for my long exposures and spent days photo- graphing »Diamond Beach«, a black beach where chunks of ice wash up that glitter like gems and are washed by the waves of the roaring North Atlantic. A selection of the best pictures from my sandy adventures became this series of photographs, »BlackSand«.

Works shown are a selection of currently available works. Please reach out to our team for more information about this serie or for additional works.