Expo Chicago

11 - 14 April 2024 
Friday - Sunday (11 am - 7 pm), Thursday - By invitation only

EXPO CHICAGO, The International Exposition of Contemporary & Modern Art, features leading international galleries alongside the highest quality platform for contemporary art and culture. In 2023, EXPO CHICAGO hosted 170 leading international exhibitors at Navy Pier’s Festival Hall. The exposition draws upon the city’s rich history as a vibrant international cultural destination, while engaging the region’s contemporary art community and collector base. 

EXPO CHICAGO will host the eleventh edition of the in-person exposition on April 11–14, 2024 at Navy Pier.

For EXPO CHICAGO 2024 SmithDavidson has prepared a carefully curated exhibition featuring a selection of works by prominent Dutch Artists Gerard Verdijk and Matthijs Scholten in combination with selected prominent Australian Indigenous Artists. This curated presentation is made possible with the assistance of the Mondriaan Fund, the public fund for visual art and cultural heritage.